Friday, September 9, 2011

week 9 - feelings

Sorry I'm late again.

Wasn't feeling very good those days(again?! I know.) so I didn't take many pics. I wanted to express my feelings somehow in a photograph and I didn't know how. I also didn't know why. Why should somebody take a picture of themselves showing how bad they're feeling? I don't know. I think when you're photographing something the picture always shows something about yourself. They show whether you're an optimistic, pessimistic or realistic person, they show your character, they show how you feel about certain things. Well, this is how I feel about the world right now.

My sister used this for her class.

I've seen more pictures that are similar to mine, like this one:

Of course, it's lot better that mine. (I didn't wanna leave the house those days so I had to take the photo inside.) At least there are more people who are expressing their thoughts by taking self portraits, so please don't judge me. I wasn't sure about posting this pic and I'll probably delete it in a couple of days anyway.

And here you're getting your not so depressing pic. It's actually pretty funny.


  1. Also auch wenn das Portrait verdammt traurig ist, ist es einfach nur Wahnsinn geworden! Ich finde das besser als das Bild, was du verlinkt hast. Einfach Hammer geworden!

  2. Ich finde dein Selbstportrait sehr aussagekräftig. Man kann dieses Bild stundenlang betrachten und findet immer wieder ein neues Detail in deiner Mimik und Gestik, dass einem zum nachdenken anregt. Auch ich finde dein Bild um einiges besser, als die Verlinkung. Denn wenn man dein Bild betrachtet, fühlt man mit. Man fragt sich, was diese junge Frau wohl denkt, dass sie so traurig ist. Auch das Spiel mit Licht und Schatten gefällt mir sehr gut. Einfach ein tolles Foto.
