Thursday, June 21, 2012

week 50 - failure

Okay, I promise I'll try to take less depressing pictures. Next week.

Friday, June 15, 2012

week 49 (2) - of heights and homes

My (host)family from Texas came to visit us for ten days. It's been such a great time...we went climbing, hiking, biking, walked through Bamberg and Berlin, participated in a Freeze Flashmob I organized.... They left to go home two days ago and I miss them already. Sometimes I wish I could have gone with them but I then I remember all the things and people I would miss here. I wish I could be at two places at the same time. Which makes me think about creating a photo concerning this issue.

John posted lots of photos to his online album.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

week 49 - feeling so small and walls everywhere

Went to Berlin for a couple of days. Okay, please ignore Colins outfit. I've always wanted to take photos in this memorial in Berlin and now I finally got the chance and the only person I could persuade to model for me was wearing jogging pants.

no way out

We also went to the zoo.

Friday, June 1, 2012

week 48 (4) silly dogs

I totally forgot how stupid (sorry, silly) some dogs look when they run or play. Even kinda scary, but he actually is one of the cutest dogs ever.

She has to wear this MEEPthing. Every time she runs too far away the owner can press a button on a remote control and the thing on the collar makes a loud sound so the dog knows "Okay, it's time to come back now."

week 48 (3) a Friesian horse and a girl

(my two favorites)

I had a photo shooting with a beautiful Friesian and a wonderful girl :)
I don't know much about horseback riding, but I do see how much they trust each other and it's just wonderful to watch them.

But it was hard to find a meadow where we could take action shots because the grass was so high you couldn't see the horses legs, so it doesn't look like they're galloping :( And I still have these problems with the sun. And in the beginning I accidentally still had Shade as my white balance, therefore the strange colors.