Tuesday, January 31, 2012

week 30 - summer? Yes, please.

Okay, this is getting ridiculous. -4 degrees (-20 Celsius) and no sign of snow :(

Since I didn't take any pics this week I'll post some of last summer when I had a shooting with Eros, the Irish Setter. Remembers me that I haven't been photographing dogs in a long time... please open the photo in a new tab to zoom in.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


So, damit wie das Ganze auch mal offiziell haben...bitte auf den Titel klicken or copy+paste the link.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

week 29 - I guess I was bored...

Cold rainy winter days are one of the worst things ever. If it snowed I'd go outside but it's just muddy and eeeh. Best thing you can do is nestle down in a warm blanket and sit on the couch while drinking a hot chocolate and reading a book. And taking pics of weird pigs.

I took these two years ago, a few weeks after I got my camera. I love the light.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

week 28 - Did you know...

...that even pictures of bikes can tell stories? Just look at the setting, what's around it...

New project, very simple: Bikes in our neighborhood. Funny how some look like I shot them in a slum and some pictures look very nice...
You know what I really like about the picture in the middle? In the left corner it says "Act now!" (Handeln Sie jetzt!) How appropriate for this setting...

I really like this one.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

week 27 - just another unicorn

Oh, this picture is not cheesy at all, just to make this clear :D

I'm not bored or anything. Really, I'm not. I'm just very excited about Photoshop. Okay, it's just a test version but still. I guess everybody can see that I'm not very good at photoshopping yet(how does that sound? Photoshopping? Is this a word at all?), but I just started using it.

week 26 - winter wonderland

At first it seemed like we would'nt see any snow at all...

But then...:D

Oh, we went skiing so this isn't Bamberg.