Sunday, March 11, 2012

week 36 - Splash!

Thanks to my very best assistant Cali :D It took us quite a few tries to get these photos. Most of them were out of focus and it was just so hard to press the button on the right time (even in Continuous shooting mode).
And I have no idea what happened to this blue streak in the die. First I thought I accidentally did something in Gimp but it looks like that in the original as well?? Weird.

And here we have a very interesting traveler waiting for the train :D How often do you see an unicyclist in a train? I see one or two every other month but they are always the same persons: Cali and me(oh, and Karen of course :D)


  1. Na bei dem Model kann das Bahnhofsbild ja nur gut sein :P.

    Aus den Würfelbildern ist doch noch richtig was geworden =)

  2. Die Würfel sind sehr interessant, das muss ich auch mal probieren ;-)
    Das Bild von der Cali ist cool.
