Sunday, July 17, 2011

week three - just a normal busy work day

I'm not late, no, I'm not. It's still Sunday and pictures of week three are follwing. I've been a little down the past days and just didn't wanna take pictures... It sucks not to have a reason to be sad.

From Monday, when I visited Camila, a friend in Paris (which was awesome! I already miss her.)
I was trying to emphasize the speed of the subway by using a long shutter speed. I didn't have tripod with me (a little stupid of me) and I know there are so many photos showing a blurry train or subway, but anyway...

1 comment:

  1. ich finde es toll wie du die Geschäftigkeit einer U-Bahnstation in deinem letzten Bild darstellst. Tolles Foto mit viel bewegung, dass den Betrachter mitreißt.
