Monday, March 26, 2012

week 39 - Jump as high as you can!

"Jump! Jump as high as you can! C'mon, you can do it!" Read this somewhere today.

It's a pity you can't see her hands :(

Another dog shooting.
The sun was a little high, therefore the too high contrasts and by the time the sun was deep enough my cameras battery was dead and I'm an idiot because I hadn't charged it before neither did I take a second one with me.
I'm really bad at focusing and I really just have to practice to improve the sharpness.
Nina, the dog wasn't very excited about being photographed and I guess you can tell by her look. But she had a lot of fun plashing in the creek and she's just such a sweet dog :)

This dog actually sat voluntary in the creek! Okay, she really does look annoyed.

You might not like this picture, but I love it! Especially because of the naked feet next to the dog.


  1. Des kannte ich ja gar nicht :D
    Du bist ne klasse Fotographin ;)
    Ich hab dich lieb :*
