Monday, April 30, 2012

week 44 (2) - unexpected things happen

Inspired by Brandiylyn:
I guess if this really happened I wouldn't be taking photos - I would be running like hell. But I kinda liked the idea of a hand coming out of a meadow with flowers, unexpected.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Big update

Hi y'all.

I've been looking through my pictures and uploading them all evening and now this blog is finally updated. Especially 2011 has a lot of new photos, just look at the old posts to see some of them.

I'd like to say Thanks to the people that look at my blog regularly and comment(ed) on my posts, especially Cali, Andy and Kat, MC, as well as Siebenschläfer(actually, who are you?), also for the personal opinions. I'm happy for every kind of feedback and I'd be even more happy if more of you commented on my posts and told me why you like my photo and what I can do better next time.

However, thanks and have a wonderful week.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

week 44 - spielend leicht

So, this week has a german title. It literally means "easily flying", but actually means "without the slightest effort". So in German it's a nice wordplay.

Sorry, my editing is really bad, but I'm so not in the mood for reediting it. Maybe later.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

week 43 (2) - black and big and fluffy

I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but I just had another dog photo shooting.
And I love this dog (as if there would be a dog I don't like...).
I tried to restrain myself and won't show too many photos.

Okay, he does have a little flab and I just couldn't take a pic where he's sitting and doesn't look fat.

outtake ;)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

week 43 - blurry stuff (selfi)

Kathrin said this Blog would be a dog photography blog soon and I should post some other pics. Or something like that, can't remember. But I guess she's right.

At least one blurry picture. I love it, somehow it makes me calm. And the out of focus just makes it better.

And one not so blurry photo. I need a model that lives near me, it's getting annoying to do self portraits.

Friday, April 6, 2012

week 42 (2) - Flying hair and lots of dogs


Had a shooting with a German Shorthaired Pointer, a Westfalia Terrier and a Flat-Coated Retriever.
I don't know what I did right this time or different from last time I took a picture of a dog. But somehow the photos are sharp and the dog in focus and I'm so glad!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

week 42 - Friends, kites and a dog


It was so good to see them again. I haven't been so happy for quite a while. I miss them so much!

week 41 - April weather

"We weep, we laugh, join mirth and grief together,
like rain and sunshine mix'd in April weather."
William Congreve

Gosh, I'm so weird. And my ideas as well.

Making of:

week 40 - She can fly!

I started using Gimp and it's pretty cool!

Yesterday I asked my friend to sit on a stool and then removed it with Gimp using the clone tool (I replaced the stool with the part of the hedge). It's pretty badly edited cause you can see the pattern but besides that it's a really cool effect.

And it's so much easier to do a pose yourself than telling another person what to do. I don't wanna be arrogant but I like the first one better just because of the pose.