Monday, June 27, 2011

55 weeks of photography - the idea

Hey y'all :)

I deleted my old photography blog because I thought nobody was interested in seeing my pictures. Well, that was one of my My-pictures-are-horrible-and-I'm-never-gonna-be-a-good-photographer-periods. I have them all the time. I think every photographer has them sometime, even the professional guys with so much experience.

Today (or rather tonight, because it's 3.19 am and I still can't sleep. Psst, don't tell anybody that I'm using my laptop int the middle of the night.) I'm in a better mood and too many ideas are spinning around in my head. One of them is starting a 55 weeks project. In exactly 55 weeks is my birthday, I'm turning 18. Eighteen is a great number. It means, you can vote and you can drink legally alcohol(which doesn't make me wanna drink alcohol, I just don't like the taste, but it's still cool, that you are allowed to do it), you can move out, you just get a lot more freedom. And a lot more responsibilities, but let's not talk about this right now.
Well, turning 18 is great. But still 55 weeks to wait.

And in 55 weeks you can learn a lot about photography! Actually it's not much about learning, it's more about trying out and practicing, practicing, practicing... have I mentioned yet practicing is important to improve your photography? Yes?
I always forget how important it is. I'm a person who wants to be perfect in everything and I expect to be good in something in such a short time. Of course that's silly and not possible. Everything takes time to learn and a loooot of practice. That's why I decided to create a new photography blog.
In 55 weeks I'll (hopefully) have 55 pictures or sets or collages or something like that. And I hope every time I'm posting a picture I can see some kind of improvement.

And of course I hope you'll let me know what I could do better next time. I wanna hear as many opinions as possible so I can improve my work. Please don't just write "Great pictures.", but tell me whether you like the atmosphere and the emotions, the idea and the transformation, but also whether you like the colors, the contrast, the composition, the light or why you don't like the picture. Yes, I want you to criticize me, but please be kind.

Sometimes I'll also just write about photography, about cameras and editing and all this stuff. I don't like talking, but I can write and write and it never gets boring...except maybe for the readers, but I'll give my best to entertain you :D

If you wanna get an idea of my work and see some older pictures, please visit my facebook album: